Psalm 107 Analysis

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Biblical Background:
Psalm 107: 4-15
The story behind Psalm 107: Babylon took the Jews out of their land. They were under the captivity of Babylon for 70 years, also known as dark days for they were prisoners in Babylon. After 70 years, they got home and wrote this Psalm. The Lord brought them home again (vv. 4-9) Israel was redeemed and saved by God and brought them back to their own homeland. So they must thank and rejoice for what the Lord has done. Their experience brought them to realize the God gives help to people who were coming home, especially those who were imprisoned and exiled. This chapter of Psalm describes God as the God who provides for the nation and people who trust and keep on trusting and obeying. Let us always thank God …show more content…

This chapter describes how God, with all ingenuity and creativity, treated the whole of creation, of the generation of all things; of the heavens and of the earth and all that are in them, and of the genealogy of human being. The chapter describes the state and condition of the earth in its first creation; there was darkness and chaos. There was no order and beauty; emptiness and dullness resonate the meaninglessness within. The creation, in its chronological and picturesque order, declares the beauty and affirms …show more content…

Before the children arrive, the teacher will disarrange all the things in the classroom. Make the room look unclean and the things so chaotic. As they arrive, ask them to observe around them and let them express what they see and how they feel. Then, let them help clean the room and arrange all things in its proper place. Observe how they work, individually and as a group.

Opening Prayer (Learner)

Review of the Previous Lesson
Make use of the pictures they have drawn in the previous lesson. With the pictures as their guide, invite some children to share what they have studied and learned. After the sharing, lead them in the recitation of the previous key verse.

Introduction of New Lesson
Song Illustration: “In the Beginning” by Victor Wood (Downloadable from You tube)
Play the song “In the Beginning”. Group the children into 2 or 3 groups. Instruct the children to choose one leader from each group who will draw the things God created, as mentioned in the song. Provide the necessary materials for the group to use. The teacher has the option to give recognition or incentive to the work each group.

Learning Time
a) Discovering the Biblical

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