
What The Text Means To Me

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Reading the Bible for me is about my time each day that I get to spend the best part of my day being refreshed, renewed, and ready for how Christ will be asking me to be His hands and feet that day.

Prior to starting, I ask for His help in understanding what the text means and what He has for me today in my confession and sanctification process for holiness, encouragement, as well as faithful obedience. The simple questions I ask are ‘What does the text mean?’ and ‘What am I going to do about it?’ Sometimes the daily application is personal, sometimes it is for those I come in contact that day to help grow, encourage, and equip. Other times it is to be still and let Him hold and love me in His arms. And still, other times it is like labor pains, enduring through them and preparing for a new birth in something He has next.

I focus on a book at a time by chapter and by verse studying a passage by observation, interpretation, and application. This has been my personal devotion time approach for many years, however, this class is equipping me to complete this process much more thoroughly in all three areas! I am so grateful to God for this class! …show more content…

To him be the power for ever and ever. Amen.” Earlier in my life as a believer when going through an extremely difficult time, I read this verse as encouragement that the suffering I was enduring would only be for a ‘little while’. The Lord was so gracious to help me grow in my simple faith, not fully understanding yet the depth of this

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