Feltham Model Of Counselling

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Through studies of various Models of Counselling, therapists are able to gain knowledge on how to determine client growth and where and when certain therapies are applicable. Through investigation of theoretical aspects of talking therapies Feltham has explained how therapists are able to not only treat a patient according to known counselling models but are also able to explore avenues that that have not previously been explored. This summary will provide an abridged view of the chapter: Models of Counselling by Feltham.

Psychoanalysis and its variants:
Sigmund Freud, who is considered to be the father of the talking cure and Psychoanalysis, incursions with neurosis treatment, exploration of catharsis and hypnosis, …show more content…

● Psychodynamic therapy is coined as not only being exclusive to analysts who are highly prosperous in certain fields, but also as quite ineffective with regards to noticeable client behaviour changes and growth (Feltham, 1995).

Humanistic Therapies:
● Humanistic therapies began in the 1940’s in response to critiques against Psychoanalytic and Behaviourism approaches, and the subsequent limitations placed on a client’s growth as a result (Feltham, 1995).
● Humanistic therapies advocate for the positivity of human nature including ones want to achieve ones full potential, healing, growth and a desire for “self-actualisation” (Feltham, C, 1995, p. 86), entailing a client to confront obstacles routinely.
● Humanists encompass the ideals of a person having a sense of freedom and dignity, thus not being ashamed of subjectivity (Feltham, 1995).
● Carl Rogers according to Feltham (1995) argued that individuals know themselves to a superb level that others do not, therefor stipulating that answers should come from inside the client rather than external …show more content…

Parallels between changes in psychology and psychological therapies being bespoke to each client, can be drawn in that it is evident that there is no one treatment option that is obviously better than the rest. Through the summary it can be seen that new ideas that oppose well established ideas are good, as it allows for new avenues in psychology to be explored. The summary also highlights that Psychoanalysis has allowed clients, with the help of analysts, to be liberated of mental distresses and consequential psychological problems. The summary also highlights that Humanistic therapy has helped people restore ones inner freedom and dignity thereby helping clients to achieve