Psychodynamic Interpersonal Therapy

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History of the PIT R.F. Hobson established and clarified psychodynamic interpersonal therapy over the progression of 30 years of study. The first training package and manual were developed in 1983 with a videotape-teaching package, which was developed by Margison and Hobson. This package consisted of three videotapes in which model is described with its main aspects. Afterwards, Shapiro and Startup developed a brief manual and rating scale for depression in 1991 (Guthrie, 1999). The model was constructed on psychodynamic principles, but also impressed by humanistic and interpersonal concepts. At the beginning, it was called ‘conversational model of therapy’. The essential role of the therapist in this model is to develop the ‘mutual feeling …show more content…

Some of the components are generalizable to other therapies, however, when we look at as a whole; they establish a specific describable model of therapy (Guthrie, 1999). PIT is a relational therapy, which focuses on the relationship between the therapist and the patient. Hobson (1985) determined six qualities of this relationship, which he thought were at the core of psychotherapy. The exploratory rationale, shared understanding, focus on here and now, focus on difficult feelings, gaining insight and change. The PIT provides exploratory rationale to the patient. The therapist attempts to bestow a rationale for the patient, which affirms the significance of relating emotional or somatic symptoms to interpersonal conflicts or problems. By the end of initial sessions, the link between the interpersonal difficulties and emotional problems and distress should be constructed. To be able to do this is important because it is one of the principal points for patient to remain in therapy (Guthrie, …show more content…

The first one is the fact that people cannot be think as separate from their relationships. Since relationships are one of the core factors in our life, it would be inevitable to be effected by them in different ways. The way we chose to deal with these relationships may be maladaptive and we need to learn a better way of dealing. PIT enables the therapist and patient to work on the present feelings and thoughts, which may arise in current therapeutic relationship. Even if these feelings and thoughts appears in the therapy sessions, they are also patterns of thinking and feeling in real life settings. Being able to work on these feelings and thoughts and the mutual relationship between the therapist and the patient allows the personal change to occur. The change occurs not just in therapy room but also the gained insights help patient to apply this change to relationships in his/her