Psychological Differences Between Anxiety Disorders And Schizophrenia

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There are many psychological disorders that are very different. There are two main types, anxiety disorders and psychosis. These two types are actually very different. Anxiety disorders affect your emotions and how you feel the world only. They do not affect how you perceive the world. Psychosis is not like that, however. Psychosis affects how you perceive the world in many ways as well as affecting how you feel the world. Your emotions are changed because what you perceive has changed. Schizophrenia causes you to hear voices and most people with it rock back and forth for a long time either laughing or crying.

First I will talk about anxiety disorders. There are many types of anxiety disorders. Depression is one that makes you feel down for really no reason. It causes many other problems but that is because of what it does. Mania is another anxiety disorder that is very rare but it causes excitement all the time for no reason. Most cases of mania are really just bipolar disorder. Whilst these are relatively minor and can be mostly treated. There is also PTSD or posttraumatic stress disorder. This causes you to relive traumatic events. Phobias are irrational fears and they are very common. Irrational is …show more content…

This is when how you perceive the world is different. First one to talk about is schizophrenia. This is a psychological disorder that can be pretty scary at times. Schizophrenia causes you to hear voices and many patience with it rock back and forth while giggling or crying. Psychopath and sociopath are two more types of psychological disorder and they are both dangerous. There is also obsessions and compulsion An obsession is a reoccurring irrational thought. A compulsion is a reoccurring irrational action. A hypochondriac always thinks they’re sick but there are no symptoms. There is also conversion disorders and these cause you to actually have symptoms but with no