Psychological Synthesis Essay

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To be a parent is to be a person with responsibilities, ones that you would not have being solely an adult. Being a parents means you have more than just one job, in and out of the office. And that job is to care for your child. The way a parent treats their child is all psychological and the studies of Sigmund Freud have taught us that. The attachment between parents and children can lead to a blindness regarding flaws and weaknesses, using an in-depth examination of psychological criticism applied to Euripides’, Iphigenia in Aulis and HBO’s, Game of Thrones, the role parents play in their child’s upbringing plays a major role in the person they grow up to be.
Psychological criticism is the in-depth look into the mind of a human or described …show more content…

They can either save their daughter and let her live a, hopefully, long and happy life, or let her die but save an entire army as an exchange. This lens will be a way of looking into the mind of Agamemnon, the leader of the Greek coalition before and during the Trojan War, and father of Iphigenia, and into the mind of Stannis Baratheon, leader of House Baratheon, true heir to the Iron Throne, and father of Shireen, his only heir. They face a problem that no parent should ever wish to face. A decision between life and death. A decision between being dishonored within your family or being dishonored by your army and all of its followers. Psychological criticism can usually be applied in different ways but in this situation, it is being looked at it in the trauma approach. This approach focuses on characters and their desires and conflicts, and why they do what they do.
Agamemnon and Stannis have a problem on their hands. An extremely similar one in fact. Both are leaders of their respective armies, both have won countless battles and proved that they belong where they are, but most importantly they are both fathers. Both of them run into an issue involving their daughters and their armies. They will have to sacrifice one or the other. And neither decision seems to be the right one. They both go …show more content…

The play and the show revealed the psychological devastation both parents went through before and after the deed had been done. Parents always face difficult decisions in life, especially when it comes to something involving their kids. In the case of Agamemnon and Stannis, it was probably the hardest question any parent could ever face. They both went against what is seen as morally correct. And whether they were happy with the outcome or not, fate swooped in and took both of their lives. Some parents love their kids and some leave them to fend for themselves, and it is all in the brain on why they choose the route that they