Psychological Theory Vs Biological Theory Essay

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Classical theory is the idea that people have free will and can rationally consider the responsibilities of their actions. People choose to commit crimes, and it is a result of the reasonable decisions of the individual.

Biological theory concerns genetics, the physical constitution, and neurology distinguishing between criminal and non-criminal. (Wickert, 2019) It is a belief that criminals are not made; they are born.

The Psychological theory focuses on the decision-making or thinking process to explain why a person chooses a criminal act. The person believes that the potential benefit outweighs the punishment or cost. (Crime Causation: Psychological Theories, 2023)

Sociological theory has a basis in that society influences a person to …show more content…

(Nickerson, 2023)
Behaviors, including law-breaking ones, are decided by elements out of a person's control.
The commission of a crime involves rational decision-making that is weighted against potential benefits. Because of individual distinctions, there is an underlying construct, such as the potential for unlawful conduct and antisocial personality. Impulsiveness is often related to the poor ability to use abstract concepts. (Crime Causation: Psychological Theories, 2023)
Criminal and violent behavior is transmitted through social structures or generations via learning. (Strid & Hearn, 2022) When a legitimate opportunity exists to achieve goals, people may resort to criminal behavior to obtain their goals. There is social and economic inequality, and crime results from it. (Strid & Hearn, 2022)
Because of mental illnesses or defects, a person's rationality, and behavior may not be free.
It claims that criminals are free-willed, rational, responsible for their actions, and potentially subject to external factors that cause deviant behavior. (Wickert, …show more content…

Thus, people should not be responsible for the crimes they commit. This leaves the decision on what should be with dangerous offenders up for debate. (Nickerson, 2023)
Suffering from being reductionists, explaining complex behavior as biological functions or processes. (Mcleod, 2023) Ethical concerns can be developed when stigmatizing a person with certain characteristics. It neglects the effects of factors such as childhood experiences and cognitive processes may have on criminal behavior. (Mcleod, 2023)
Fixated on being scientific and may not represent a diverse section of society. Overlooks social and cultural factors and can often dismiss available explanations of deviance. Often neglects analysis from other theories. (Houwer et al., 2011)
Classical Theory's impact on the criminal justice system was the foundation that the nature of the criminal act directly reflects what the punishment will be. It has led to the decreased use of torture, capital punishment, and corporal punishment. (Thite,