Psychology In Frankenstein Research Paper

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Personality and human life can be shown in both psychology and literature but is it reliably ? Psychology . Psychology uses strict research methods and is very precise, the knowledge of personality is improved with experience. While novels, despite fictions, attempts a demonstration of human personality based on the author's own experience. A novel is defined The words that the author uses in the context of a story, help to understand better human personality and behavior than statistics found in psychology. The author creates an environment and situation that can be familiar to the reader which allows the reader to connect with the character. The emotions and feelings conveyed by the author, will then be better understood by the reader. Literature …show more content…

Emile Zola, a french writer has a goal to observe how the different personalities react to each other. Pychology is more detached , the words don't require interpretation, and they're straightforward and objective. Sometimes, it is clear which is the area of knowledge more useful, sometimes it's more complex. There are things, forces in the human body and mind that are still unexplained, unknown to us and behaviors that can't be studied scientifically. Most humans have a basic understanding of human behavior and experience. Everyday we learn someting new about ourselves. Science and literature give us different types of information that can help us to improve our skills in the knowledge of human behavior. Human behavior, personality and life is not measurable, it's imprecise, but both areas of knowledge are important, and together help us to understand better what is

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