Psycap Assessment Essay

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The PsyCap assessment has helped me realize my strengths and weaknesses as an employee and how I can improve my less strong assets. It is a proactive approach to reflect on my weaker sides by generating on some personal strategies to improve productivity and to face work difficulties with agility and more optimistic outlook. It is a simple evaluative measure and yet it has outstanding effects on bringing hope for any employee (whether skillful, talented or not). It focuses on certain attributes that justifiably bring meaningful assessment factors. Furthermore, employers, managers and human resource officers can use the PsyCap in assigning compatible tasks and conduct training seminars to improve the level of PsyCap of their employees.
•Explain …show more content…

For instance, a certain company promises an employee $100 upon reaching performance targets or specific sales threshold (“The What and Why of Motivation,” n.d., p. 146).
•Intrinsic motivation It refers to a form of motivation that is nurtured in one self, instead of being “dependent” on external considerations, such as money or other incentives, for good performance. It relies on self-satisfaction, enjoyment and positive emotions on the work or task that one does (“The What and Why of Motivation,” n.d., p. 146).
•McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y This theory is formulated by Douglas McGregor. Theory X pertains to “a pessimistic view of employees,” in which they are not satisfied with their work, must be constantly “monitored,” and must be compensated or punished. This view, according to McGregor, is the common standpoint of managers. Thus, theory Y is proposed in order to replace the traditional context with a new and positive outlook. It connotes that employees are well-satisfied with their jobs, dedicated, hardworking and innovative. Leaders that possess the traits of theory Y are perceived of positive benefits while working as a team in regard to mutual trust, collaboration and contributions (“Content Theories of Motivation,” n.d., p. …show more content…

In the theory, there are three drivers of needs and employee behavior, namely “achievement, affiliation and power.” The term “acquired needs” is used, because McClelland argues that humans are not born with inherent needs. Needs develop as one grows and learns. The need for achievement connotes the aim to compete and excel beyond others. On the other hand, the need for affiliation pertains to the “desire” to connect or socialize in a certain group. The need for power refers to the “desire” to lead, teach or inspire others using authority. These desires can drive employee behavior and can become basis on how and what certain forms of motivation can be used in the work place. (“Content Theories of Motivation,” n.d., pp.