Pt2520 Unit 1 Study Guide

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250200 - Course Journal Evaluation Unit 1: Introduction to Composition, Entries 1-6

June 30, 2017, ENTRY 1: Me, a Writer,
Attitude: My position about writing is that I dislike the exercise, I know this course will help me appreciate the writing. The main problem I have is putting my ideas in writing. I am sure this course will help me to be able to state my ideas, then improving my writing skills, it is important to me to write my ideas clearly. The support of my family encourages me to continue to practice writing. My dislike of the exercise of writing will make my progress slower. I know practice will help and encouragement and constructive criticism from my instructor will make me a better writer. It is important to me to write my ideas clearly. …show more content…

I know that I will make mistakes, but with every mistake, the instructor corrects I will learn more. I will make a strong attempt to do my best and go forward with each word I write. I am going to work hard on this course and learn to put words in place to express my ideas well.

June 30, 2017, ENTRY 2: The Role of Correctness:
The role of correctness is to help your audience to understand what is written. Grammar plays a big role in writing. The reader of your essay does not read the words alone but must understand the meaning that is expressed. If the reader cannot understand your ideas then the role of correctness was used and the relationship between your reader and your story will not bond together. My weakness is the lack of practice of writing. It is difficult for me to put my thoughts and ideas in an organized manner. My strengths are that I am a hard worker and willing to learn.

June 30, 2017, ENTRY 3: Prewriting Brainstorming:

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