Public Health Nurse Role

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The main role of the public health nurse is to provide the best evidence based quality of care to the client and his/her family in order to encourage independence and well-being. This in turn will help improve the client’s quality of life throughout the disease progression.
Within the community the public health nurse must assess individual needs, plan care, implement care by liaising with the primary care team and evaluate the care provided. Throughout this process the client and his/her family must be involved and an adequate timeframe provided.
The public health nurse acts as an advocate by communicating with GPS, practice nurses, specialists, hospitals and other health service providers, both voluntary and involuntary. When caring for a …show more content…

The public health nurse must identify causative factors and help set out an achievable goal for the client. This may include promoting regular rest periods and prioritising daily activities.
Bladder dysfunction 75–95% of patients suffering from MS experience some type of bladder dysfunction during the course of their disease (HSE 2012).Bladder dysfunction may include failure to store and failure to empty. Urinary incontinence and retention. The public health nurse must assess the individual and provide appropriate care such as incontinence wear or catheter care.
Bowel dysfunction may occur in the form of constipation or bowel frequency. Personal hygiene needs must be promoted. The public health nurse may need to liaise with the health care workers or the individual’s main carer. A referral to dietician may be beneficial to discuss high fibre diet and fluid intake.
Pain may be present in the form or acute or chronic pain. MS related symptoms may cause chronic musculoskeletal pain, such as backaches and painful leg spasm. The public health nurse must assess the severity of the pain. Non pharmacological methods can be recommended such as meditation. Regular liaison with the GP may be recommended to alter