Public Relations Social Medi Bark Post

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Tierani Richardson MWF @11 Toland PR Writing in Social Media Bark Post The public relations social media outlet I decided to use is called “Bark Post”. It is an account on Twitter that appeals to dog-lovers of the world. Bark Post also partners with “Bark Give” which accepts donations to help animal shelters and dogs in need. In a sense, Bark Post is present to give attention to Bark Give. The Bark Post is related to PR writing in many ways including: appeal to dog-loving target audience, humorous and loving tone of message, interesting how-to’s and other informational content, and action statements to help dogs in need. Since Bark Post is on Twitter, it is more than likely appealing to a younger demographic. Bark Post has over 24 followers, so it appeals to a broad audience. It comes as no surprise that Bark Post also appeals to dog-lovers. There are numerous pictures of follows with their dogs that are shared on the sight. I like this aspect because it makes the communication two-way; which is ideal for public relations. The site also features celebrities and their dogs—and who would not want to see that? People are obsessed with celebrities and having pictures of celebs with their dogs is just another way to appeal to the audience. Followers can also like, retweet, and …show more content…

The how-to’s on the site range from “How-to potty train your new puppy” to “How-to throw your dog a birthday party”. I think the how-to’s are both informative and pretty silly. The informational articles are even more diverse than the how-to’s! They give tips on making your dog fashionable, explaining what the color of your dog’s feces means, stating negative (and wrong!) stereotypes about dogs, a tour of a new dog dating website, and much more. Basically anything you could ever want about dogs can be found on Bark Post. It is full of dog diversity and information. Although some of the posts may seem ridiculous, the crazy-dog people will love