Puerto Rico Downfall

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Puerto Rico becoming a state would attract several positive outcomes for Puerto Ricans’ lifestyle and future. Puerto Rico is a territory and commonwealth of the United States, making them American citizens. Although, Puerto Ricans fear that becoming a state would mean they would have to lose their culture and become the poorest state as well. Puerto Rico’s corrupt government and debt crisis have caused the island’s citizens to have a negative outlook on their future and move away to the States in hope for a better lifestyle. Due to Puerto Rico being a territory of the United States, their corrupt government and debt may affect the U.S. as well. Puerto Rico should be a state because it would prevent the corruption in the island’s government, …show more content…

Puerto Ricans also fear they will lose culture completely, but Hawaii has a different culture, and they never lost it. Puerto Rico could become a state and still have its celebrations and culture. Although Puerto Rico would become the poorest state due to their financial status, they could still benefit the United States and themselves. Puerto Ricans gained citizenship in 1917 to be drafted for World War I, meaning the United States was able to gather more soldiers and gain a stronger military due to Puerto Ricans becoming citizens. Puerto Ricans can join the U.S. army just like any other American citizen. After WWI, Puerto Rico “achieved moderate industrialization and middle-income status partially with U.S. support during the New-Deal and post-World War II years” (Cooper). Puerto Rico …show more content…

The United States would gain more voters for the presidential election, keep their military as is, and relief overpopulation in the states. Puerto Ricans are citizens of the United States, which means they could move to the mainland to gain a healthier lifestyle, making them a state would be beneficial for the most part. Puerto Rico being the poorest state should not be a problem, they’d benefit economically and recuperate if granted