Pull Excalibur Out Of It's Bound

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" Pull Excalibur out of it's cage. It is your destiny, your fate. It lies within your soul and hands now...Killian Jones."

Once the voice had stopped speaking, both Emma and Killian had their eyes bulged out.

" Do you think it's true?" Emma whispered, strolling towards the silvery sword in the rough stone.

" Huh?" Killian strayed away from Emma, his eyes trailing from the sword to his true love.

" Do you think you're the rightful king, the heir to Camelot?" Emma asked again, this time with more information.

" Well, I'm about to find out." Killian responded, stepping towards Excalibur with his right hand stretching out to clasp the hilt of Excalibur.

With one pull, the sword slowly rose up, the waving edges of the sword dissipating