Purpose Of The UScurity Council In Canada

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Part A

The main purpose of the UN Security Council is to maintain international peace and security. I believe that one of the most important aspects of Canadian civic nationalist values is of respect and openness. Being a pluralistic and bilingual country makes up a large part of the Canadian identity and is one of the main reasons that immigrants are able to easily integrate into Canadian society. Having respect for other cultures and an openness to learn should be some of the main attributes that Canada brings to the UN Security Council as a way to maintain peace among countries. This understanding is important as it will help to develop friendly relations among different nations and build strong trading partnerships and create international …show more content…

The main goal of the council is to promote the environmental, social and economic aspects of sustainable development in the Arctic region to ensure that the Indigenous peoples and unique wildlife that currently inhabit the area are protected. Canada first joined the Arctic Council to address environmental protection and climate change as well as to strengthen relations with the Indigenous peoples. The motive for the Arctic Council was peace and security between that of different Arctic states and maintaining healthy relations with the Indigenous peoples. Before the council was created there were many tense relations among the Arctic states in terms of the sovereignty of the Arctic, thus, the council was created so that each Arctic state could voice their concerns without creating any unnecessary conflicts. Its greatest achievement has been its role in keeping the Arctic peaceful and stable since the Cold War in 1991 despite the many substantial changes in the region's environmental, political and socio-economic circumstances. The Arctic Council plays a prominent role in promoting internationalism through decisions made by consensus among the eight Arctic states, by making sure that there is full consultation and involvement. These Arctic states have important roles as stewards of the Arctic and the council is considered to be an important …show more content…

In the Indo-Pacific Strategy Canada is able to trade with Asia and the Pacific by positioning Canada to be a reliable partner to the region. The main goal of this strategy is to grow the Canadian economy and create opportunities for Canadian businesses and workers. With the Indo-Pacific strategy, Canada is focusing on economic stability by expanding Canada’s economic partnerships through more trade, investment and commercial ties with the Indo-Pacific region. In doing so Canada is using multilateralism because the Indo-Pacific region comprises forty different countries and economies, making up one-third of the world’s global economy. This strategy plays a key role in internationalism by providing a symbiotic relationship between the Indo-Pacific region and Canada to help each one grow. Canada specializes in education, health services, food, agriculture and fisheries, natural resources and critical minerals, energy, financial services, advanced manufacturing and green infrastructure, all things that this region of the Indo-Pacific struggles in. Within the Indo-Pacific region there is an estimated $2.1 trillion dollars in opportunity for investment that would substantially help the Canadian economy to prosper. With the use of the strategy Canada and the large Indo-Pacific region will be able to globalize and grow