Should The United National Security Council Be Allowed To Gain World Power?

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The United Nation Security Council has had its legitimacy questioned many times before and continues to be questioned for every veto passed. The power of the council does not go unrecognized for the council and its five permanent members, the United States, Great Britain, France, China, and Russia, hold the fate of world peace in their vetoes. Some argue that the veto power is what sustains world peace. However, the United States and Russia have exploited the power of veto for subjective purposes instead of being utilized to reach the main objective of the United Nations, world peace.
Although all countries’ actions are of an ideally objective nature, the United States and Russia continue to misuse the power of veto. Both use it to gain advantages, further their own agenda, or strengthen their own alliances, instead of looking at the solutions and plan that the resolution presents. Yes, it can be said that the two are superpowers who are role models for the world. But, if the two cannot overlook their agendas for the sake of humanity then how …show more content…

It is a place where the only thing impacting vetoes and resolutions are humanity and the need to accomplish the major goal of world peace. Although it is arguable that the United States and Russia, along with the other P5 members, must be kept happy in order to avoid utter annihilation, allowing them to toy with other humans, no matter how much poorer, wealthier, religious, and or open-minded they may be defeats the purpose of not only the security council, but of the whole first world country ideal. Differences are a part of humans that cannot be diminished, but they can be set aside, Especially by these powerful nations who are meant to guide the world to peace, equality, love, and prosperity. If they cannot be professional then how can they expect third world countries to act as

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