The Pros And Cons Of Interdependence

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Nye argues that among various liberal works one can meet an opinion that interdependence in economy will lead to peace and cooperation. However, it is not always true. Coalitions between countries involve different forms of power relations and do not absolutely exclude conflicts. (Nye, 2001: 210). The author speaks about "interdependence" as a "fuzzy term" which is used in various contexts. Meaning of such terms as "cooperation", globalization and "interdependence" can be even more misleading as far as it is often used by politicians in order to highlight general orientation on global peace and wealth in their views (Nye, 2001:210). Nye distinguishes the word "interdependence" in political and analytical discourses and defines it as a "situation in which actors or events in different part of a system affect each other" (Nye, 2001:210). To answer further questions about the difference between dependence and interdependence Nye appealing to the earlier works of Robert Keohane for whom dependence and interdependence are basically the same thing and can be defined through each other. Interdependence or mutual dependence is neutral analytical term which does not bring neither positive nor negative connotations and can be used as a tool for analysis of relations between two or more countries where interaction takes place (Nye, 2001:211). Nowadays concept of interdependence can be applied to almost all relations between countries, because nations have become part of the global