Purpose Policy-Making Committee Of Area Wide Council (AWC)

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The degree of citizen power is referring to power that shared by government and citizen in decision making and it is three highest levels in the ladder of citizen participation. The three rung was a partnership, delegated power and citizen control. Based on the rung citizen has a chance to negotiate and directly involved in decision making that can change and control plan, program, and policies that already plan by the government. In certain case, citizen power can dominant in decision making make by the authority over particular program or plan. 2.1 PRINCIPLE OF DEGREE OF CITIZEN POWER 2.2.1 Partnership At this stage of the ladder, power is in fact redistributed through negotiation between citizens and power holders. This is where citizen …show more content…

Philadelphia’s application to HUD included a new citizens’ substitution word for word which included a new citizen prepared introductory chapter that changed the city’s description of the model neighborhood from a protective description of problems to a realistic analysis of its strengths, weaknesses, and potentials. The purpose policy-making committee of the Philadelphia CDA was refurbished to give five out of eleven seats to the residents’ organization which called Area Wide Council (AWC). AWC has the power to initiate plans of its own to engage in joint planning with CDA committees and review plans initiated by the city agencies. It has a veto power in that no plans may be submitted by the CDA to the city council until they have been reviewed, and any differences of opinion have been successfully negotiated with AWC. 3.2 Delegated …show more content…

In this plan development, a resident of New Heaven has delegate power to prepare the entire plan and hire their planning staff and consultant. There are several steps in encouraging community involvement in decision making. First of all, the local officer will be provided in order to convey information to targeted communities about federal regulation and their right in decision making. Based on that meeting development goal, strategies, and objectives of development and help to develop target investment criteria. After the first meeting, consultation will be held to give an opportunity for resident comment and make suggestions to the City’s community development plans and activities. Each neighborhood will have neighborhood specialist from LCI staff as the intermediate party between neighborhood residents and City administration. They also work with community residents, all and stakeholder either for community safety and welfare to develop long-range plans and solutions to community needs. They will also be utilized to facilitate the citizen participation process at the neighborhood