Pushing To Hard To Young Analysis

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Competitive sports are on the hotline lately because people are questioning whether it is good or bad for kids to play competitive sports. Some people argue that sports are a team tradition and only the best players should play so that they can make it farther in the finals. Making the team is a honor because it shows that you have the devotion, time and skills to play. Others argue, however, that sports put too much pressure on kids, and that the pressure is being placed on them by coaches and parents. Pressure doubles by starting out at such a young age, and not wanting to drop out because their parents all ready dug deep into their pockets to pay for the season. Competitive sports aren't good for kids because there is too much pressure …show more content…

Recently, one of her players, a 7-year-old boy, hit the boards during an indoor game and was holding his head. His father, a former soccer player himself, went over to the boy but rather than asking him how he was feeling, scolded him for playing poorly." This shows how some parents don't even care whether or not their child is safe, they only care about how they play and whether or not their team wins or not. Also, the article states, "A week later, his mother called him over after a play and she, too, sharply criticized him. 'He was sobbing,' Enmark says." (Stenson, 2004, http://www.nbcnews.com/id/4556235/ns/health-childrens_health/t/pushing-too-hard-too-young/) This further shows how in the games the main priority for parents is not how their children are or feel, it's how they play and win. Even if they are hurt parents won't be concerned with how their kids are feeling, they will only be mad at them for hurting themselves. This is another reason why sports are bad for …show more content…

Over the next few years, training intensifies and expands to the off-season, making practice essentially year-round." This shows how they will never have time to do anything but school and sports because it requires intense training. Moreover, the article also states, "Youngsters may join more than one league or a traveling team. They may have to sacrifice other interests and give up most of the down time that allows them to just be kids." (Stenson, 2004, http://www.nbcnews.com/id/4556235/ns/health-childrens_health/t/pushing-too-hard-too-young/) Which proves that by being enrolled so young they never have the time to explore other interests besides the sports and never unlock their hidden