Puss And The Tree Stalk Analysis

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Hannah Aufderheide is the author and illustrator of the story Puss and the Tree Stalk. Hannah is a sixth grader at Martha Brown Middle School in Fairport, New York. She is eleven years old and loves to write and draw. Ms. Aufderheide favorite subject in school is math. She is in a compacted, or honors, math class. Furthermore, Hannah enjoys science with Mr. O’Dell, and E.L.A. with Mrs. Smith. Hannah has been in one karate tournament, the tournament was nerve wracking, though she won first place. Her goal is to be at the next belt (blue) by the end of sixth grade. Her other goals are to be a navy belt (the belt after blue) by the middle of seventh grade, and to be a black by age sixteen.
Hannah is fond of going to school. She plays clarinet