Pyrethroid Poisoning Research Paper

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Some commercial products also contain organophosphorus or Carbamates insecticides in that time person can have mixed signs. Common causes of death in cases of pyrethroid poisoning are allergic reactions, respiratory failure (hypersensitivity pneumonitis, pulmonary oedema, seizuers, secondary pneumonia and coma. Atypical presentations can occur with the pyrethroid poisoning where patients present with respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation, hypotension, pneumonia, acute kidney injury and seizure. Treatment includes skin decontamination, airway protection, gastrointestinal decontamination and seizure treatment9. As there is no specific antidote, early diagnosis and aggressive supportive therapies are the only remedies to prevent mortality. In our patient a clear history of mosquito repellant ingestion was available. Physicians working in emergency departments or ICUs should be aware of this particular poisoning …show more content…

Patients were seen and evaluated in the medical wards, initially in the admission days and later, the progress and treatment was monitored. A detailed history taking, general systematic examination was done in all patients. In all patients an attempt was made to identify the nature of the poison by noting the history given by the patient or the bystander whenever possible or by identifying the poison by noting the bottle label left by the patient or by chemical analysis of the gastric aspirate whenever needed. In most of the cases the history given by the patient was considered as most significant. Details regarding history, physical findings on arrival, comrbid conditions, investigation of results, complications and outcome were recorded in the proforma. Detailed psychiatric assessment of the patient was carried out in the psychiatry department. Patients were followed up daily until

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