Qbr Complaint Case Study

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QWR Congressional Complaint
1. Who is complaint from?
2. Description of problem, research, and resolution.
QWR Better Business Complaint
1. Who is complaint from?
2. Description of problem, research, and resolution.
QWR Payoff Statement Complaint
1. Who is complaint from?
2. Description of problem, research, and resolution.
QWR General Inquiry
1. Who is complaint from?
2. Description of problem, research, and resolution.
QWR Document(s): Written Request for Servicing or Origination Copies
1. Who is complaint from?
2. Description of problem, research, and resolution.
252 Cease and Desist Cancellation
RCS receives a signed written request to remove an active Cease and Desist order placed on an account.
1. Verify the cancellation …show more content…

If there is an indication that the mail was directed to the attorney’s office, process as a CIT 54 to remove the attorney’s information from the borrower’s.

4. Go to the ADMIN/CODE screen. Type an ‘N’ in Cease & Desist Order field and click Submit.

5. Go to the GLOBAL/LETTER screen and send Global Letter 2-38.
6. Go to the GLOBAL/NOTES screen and in the Area field, type ‘QCDCY’ along with notes that cease and desist has been cancelled to the loan. Type ‘QCDCN’ if the cease and desist was not cancelled.
7. Close CIT adding notes that the ceases and desist was removed.
253 Document(s): Billing Statement Not Received
1. Who notified us?
2. Do they want one sent?
3. Delivery instructions: mailing/fax
254 Address Change (Mailing)
RCS receives several different types of notification to update the mailing address on loans within our servicing portfolio. The request can be submitted by the borrower, co-borrower, executor of estate, or represented attorney. RCS will also receive notifications from the United States Postal Service (USPS) via returned Form 3547, or print vendor returns a file to upload (see CIT 272). RCS has skip tracing capabilities along with a program that will return the current mailing address of record with the USPS. Upon receipt of notification, RCS will update the loans …show more content…

If the mailing address is to change to the borrower’s address, open CIT 54 to complete other loan maintenance required and proceed to the next step.
C. If the address reflects the new information on CUSTOMER NAME screen, navigate to DISPLAY/NOTES and confirm the change by utilizing the area filter of “NCOA” if the mailing address was updated automatically from our NCOA file or filter for previous CITs completed to determine when the update to the mailing address was done. If update has already been done. A. If the mailing address was updated with NCOA, navigate to the GLOBAL/NOTE screen and type “USPS” in the Area field. Include old and new address, and the date original change was made in the notes area. 4. If the mailing address change has not been made, on the CUSTOMER NAME screen, enter the new information into the applicable fields under either the primary or secondary borrower section, depending on whom the change is applicable to, if both update both borrower fields.
• Street address information in the Mail Adrs Line 1 field.
• If needed optional, street address information in the Mail Adrs Line 2 field.
• City in Mail City field.
• State (two letter) code in the State field.
• Zip code in the Zip/Postal