Quantitative Approach

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Kumar (1999), state that the process of collecting, analyzing and interpreting the information to provide solution to question is called as research. Therefore, it is necessary for the researcher to find the most suitable research approach to collect the data in order to provide the solution for the problem. In any type of research study, it is important to select the best research approach this is because unsuitable of research approach will bring the negative impact to the result such as invalid result (Kartikeya, 2014). Clarke R.J (2005) classified that they are two type of research approach which are quantitative and qualitative method. In this research, quantitative method will be adopted.
3.2.1 Quantitative Research
Quantitative research is the research that clarifies the phenomena by gathering the …show more content…

The strengths of using questionnaire as tool to collect the data are list out and shown in the table 3.1.
Strength of Using Questionnaire as a Tool to Collect Data
• Questionnaires are quick and easy to create code and interpret especially if the closed questions are used.
• Questionnaires are easy to standardize. For example, respondents are asked to answer the same question in the same way therefore researcher can be sure that everyone in the sample answers exactly the same question which makes this a very reliable method of research.
• By using the questionnaire is able to contract large number of people quickly, easily and efficiently because the researcher had identified the group that will be targeted.
• Using the questionnaire is required for the respondent to explain their response for believing in something that are difficult to explore especially in complex issues.
• Questionnaires do not explore their questions in detail therefore it is generally low