The Four Criterias In Qualitative Research

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According to Merriam (1998), positivist or interpretive paradigm aim to produce valid, authentic and trustworthy knowledge of human experiences through ethical. All social researchers is concerned with issues of the credibility of the results produced (Creswell, 1998). Qualitative researchers have different techniques to determine research credibility and trustworthiness (Lincoln & Guba, 1985).
Guba (1981) constructs four criteria that he believes qualitative researchers should pursuit in order to have trustworthy study. The four criteria are credibility, transferability, dependability and confirmability. For credibility, researchers intend to demonstrate the real pictures of the phenomenon under examine. To allow transferability, readers are …show more content…

Acknowledge that the impact of the research needs to be considered by the researcher (Meriam,1998), hence in this study, the participants were asked if they would volunteer to be interview. Confidentiality is provided to protect individual from potential harm when the result are made public. The data and details of women would be treat confidentially and remain anonymous. Henderson (1991, p.72) noted that the challenge of interviewing within the naturalistic paradigm is to “unlock the internal perspective of every interview”. Even though, the participants will speak positive aspects of experiences, personal memories, and events that could not avoid. These issues need to deal in sensitive and ethical manner. Confidentiality and anonymity of participants was key ethical concern. All the women who participate in the interview are requires to sign a confidentiality form which mentioned earlier in chapter 3, to show their consent to participate and their agreement to use in the thesis or future academic publications. There form will be read and sign by the participant prior to the …show more content…

The following information contains discussion of the interpretative, qualitative research paradigm and the feminist informed in this research study. My personal story in the research process was not hidden. This is to ensure the trustworthiness and ethical consideration in data collection and data analysis. I also outlined the ontological, epistemological, and methodological assumptions which are the viewpoints in my research. Qualitative framework is more useful for understanding women’s motivation in regard to solo travel context.
In methodological discussion, in-depth interview was chosen as the method to investigate women’s voices and stories that express in their own words and terms. In-depth procedures were outlined to organize the unit of analysis. In an effort to ensure the findings of the study is valid, research trustworthiness and ethical considerations were also