Qualitative Research Outline

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Chapter 17 by Alan Bryman, The Nature of Qualitative Research helps readers understand the importance of qualitative research in the field of sociology since it has been become a more popular approach among researchers. Qualitative research is broadly inductivist, constructionist, and interpretivist but not all three of the features are always used (380). The main steps that follow qualitative research are inductive so the process is one that follows a top down approach. The first step to research is generating general research questions to foster the study. Next is selecting the proper location(s) and subjects, then collecting the proper data (386). After the data is collected it must be analyzed, from then forward the conceptual/theoretical …show more content…

Reliability is measured internally, this is defined by whether researchers or observers can agree to what they see or hear; external reliability is defined by to what degree can the research be replicated (390). Validity is assessed internally, in other words is there a good match between researcher observations and theories they develop; external validity is the second component, this refers to what degree can findings be generalized across the social settings (390). The research needs to be trustworthy and authentic. Trustworthiness is measured through credibility, transferability, dependability and conformability (390). Authenticity takes on the criteria of fairness and ontological, educative, catalytic and tactical authenticity (392). Researchers have put the reliability of qualitative research to the test by evaluating these four criteria: 1) sensitivity to context, 2) commitment and rigour, 3) transparency and coherence and 4) impact and importance of the study (393). Researchers use these methods to see whether the data is valuable and important, some researchers question the reliability of qualitative research but it is important to note that there are pros and cons of every research