Discrepancy In Adolescents

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DISCUSSION The results of qualitative data gathering techniques have revealed discrepancies in how evaluators assessed social skills. The largest changes were observed by the adolescents themselves. Previous research (Forness and Kavale, 1996; Renk and Phares, 2004) has shown that on average the participants themselves notice more social skills improvement than other evaluators. According to the adolescents’ self-evaluations, the biggest positive difference could be seen on the subscale – assertiveness, while the smallest positive difference could be seen on the subscale – self control. The subscale – assertiveness includes behaviours which require an individual to act, e.g. introducing oneself, asking for help and responding to other people’s …show more content…

If we look at the answers in detail, we can observe that after finishing the training two participants believe they have greater influence over their behaviour. On the other hand, two participants claim to have less influence over their behaviour, while two claim that their influence remained unchanged throughout the training. Mixed answers do not allow for a homogeneous synthesis. Different scores suggest that individuals have their own perceptions of how much they can affect their own thought and behavioural patterns. This could be explained with the fact that the participants were not given the meanings of other bordering percentage values except the extremes and might be the reason why they struggled with giving their own evaluation. Inconsistent scores also reveal that pupils have different mind-sets. It is possible that their mind-set was a factor in evaluating changes that occurred during the social skills training. The individuals who gave higher scores might be oriented towards believing that one’s thought and behavioural patterns can be improved (Dweck, 2012). It should be noted that after the social skills training, the majority (five participants) evaluated that they have influence over their behaviour and thoughts in 50 or more percent. Results therefore …show more content…

It was noted that homework was not taken seriously in all cases. Based on this, I can infer that the pupils have trouble transferring the social skills into real situations and do not know how to translate what they have acquired and learned into different real life situations. This could be the reason why parents detected fewer changes in the adolescents’ social skills. During the workshops, we could sometimes observe a drop in the participants’ concentration. There are several possible reasons for this. One of them could be that, due to time restraints, I was forced to skip the enlivenment activity on a couple of occasions. The second reason could be that our meetings took place at the end of the week, on Fridays, and the participants were tired from that day’s or week’s school obligations (written assignments and oral