Queen Elizabeth 1 Research Paper

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Queen Elizabeth I (born Elizabeth Tudor) was born in Greenwich England on September 7, 1533. She was born into royalty as a princess and was the daughter to King Henry VIII of England and Anne Boleyn. Queen Elizabeth I was two years old when her mother died, making her and her half-sister, Mary, not authorized by law to take the throne. This was said because their father wanted to keep the heir to the throne a male. Her mother, Anne Boleyn was beheaded under the instructions of her husband, King Henry VIII because she was said to be a cheater. King Henry VIII later re-married and had more children. Growing up, Elizabeth was raised as a royal child. She excelled in music and languages, and she was tutored by hired tutors paid by her step-mother, Catherine Parr. After her father died in 1547 from natural causes, Elizabeth was in the care of Parr at the age of 14. Elizabeth was later sent to a royal estate in Hatfield due to tensions between Catherine Parr and her new husband, Thomas Seymour. …show more content…

She was tutored as a child up until she went to the royal estate, where she was involved with a lot of political problems. Her half-sister, Mary, and their cousin, Lady Jane Grey were both in line for the throne after her brother, King Edward VI died at the age of 16. He was crowned king at the age of 9. Due to these problems, people were suspicious about Elizabeth because she wasn’t in line for the throne. Lady Jane Grey was in power for only nine days before Mary took her crown and ruled England. During this time, Elizabeth returned back to the royal estate to finish her studies after more political and religious