Queen Elizabeth Research Paper

1997 Words8 Pages

While there much to remark upon regarding Queen Elizabeth’s time on the throne, there is one aspect of her reign that has continually fascinated people throughout the ages. During her forty-five year rule, Queen Elizabeth I never married or had children. Given the moniker “The Virgin Queen,” Elizabeth proclaimed her marriage to her kingdom with her subjects as the only children she would ever have or need. In the 1998 film, Elizabeth , the writers saw the Virgin Queen as a persona that Elizabeth put on. They showed Elizabeth’s transformation into Gloriana; an ideal that stated her commitment to England beyond all else. The image of the Virgin Queen was meant to be untouchable; somewhat of a saint that was above an earthly marriage. That is …show more content…

The marriage between her parents is certainly a prominent indicator as well as her father’s other marriages and how they ended. Elizabeth also seemed to be unwilling to give up her power and autonomy as the Queen. While the kingdom deferred to their monarch, a wife always had to defer to her husband. Had she taken a husband, he would have become king and Elizabeth would have had to submit to him, something the headstrong Elizabeth would have never agreed to. Having watched her sister, Queen Mary in an unhappy marriage , Elizabeth would not have agreed to such a …show more content…

This sparked The Wyatt Rebellion; an uprising led by nobles who feared the nation becoming Catholic again. Named for one of the nobles who directed the revolt, the plan was to remove Mary from the throne and replace her with Elizabeth who would then marry Edward Courtenay. This reaction from the public to the marriage could also have been a possible reason for Elizabeth’s unwillingness to marry. If she had married someone that her council and subjects found unsuitable, then they could have revolted as well and even though the Rebellion was unsuccessful, it looked bad for the Queen’s subjects to be plotting against her. It would have showed weakness within the kingdom and other countries would have attempted to usurp. Despite the fact that Elizabeth had nothing to do with the plot, she was imprisoned in the Tower of London; the same place her mother had been imprisoned and