Queen Elizabeth 1 Research Paper

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Queen Elizabeth I is one of the very first monarchs to take a big part in the country. Elizabeth came from a family but never had a family home environment. Her father had six wives and only one of them wanted to make Elizabeth feel like a normal child. On September 7 the year 1533 Elizabeth Tudor was born. “Her birth was possibly the greatest disappointment of her father’s life” (Sharnette). When Elizabeth was born, her half-sister didn't want to think of another princess of England but her. “Elizabeth was stripped of her title of a princess, to simply become, The Lady Elizabeth” (Elizabeth I: Early Years). Elizabeth had a very good schooling career. Elizabeth excelled in languages and music. She did excellent in school. Elizabeth was impressive in education and could fluently speak in 5 …show more content…

“She reigned forty-four years and four months.” (Elizabeth I:Profile). During her ruling Elizabeth changed the churches back to Protestants but let the Catholics have their churches. “Elizabeth is largely remembered as being a queen, who supported her people.” (Queen Elizabeth I) “Elizabeth is and was one of England’s most famous and loved monarchs” (Queen Elizabeth I). “Elizabeth was dedicated to her country in a way few monarchs had been or have been since” ( Queen Elizabeth I Biography). As Elizabeth’s rulings ended there were a lot of troubling times. She will always be remembered as ‘The Virgin Queen’, ‘Good Queen Bess’, and ‘Gloriana’. “Elizabeth Tudor, took her last breath in Richmond Palace, Thursday 24 March 1603, at age sixty-nine.” (Elizabeth I: Profile). Elizabeth ruled for a very long time and made the most of her ruling. She stood up for her country and people. She loved her people like family and they loved her a lot back in return. At the end of her reign things got rough, there was a lot more wars and fighting. The Virgin Queen will never be forgotten and we hope there will another Queen like