R & B Music Analysis

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As it is commonly known, R&B refers to rhythm and blues music, a genre that had been instigated in the 1940s in North America, most frequently thought of as contemporary R&B, which rose during the 1980s as a variety of genres, particularly disco, soul, and jazz, were in decline (Harrison, 2013). When it comes to gender theories in R&B, lyrics and music videos have expressed a new understanding of morals and power whose negative influences affect social norms and self-representation of men and women.
This song is a track from “In the Lonely Hour”, an album that talks about Smith's lack of a love life. "On 'Latch' I was singing about love," Smith told The Guardian, "but I've never physically experienced it and I'm kind of sick of listening to albums about the turmoil of relationships, never having had one. So I wanted to write an album for people who have never been in love. I want to be a voice for lonely people" (Songfacts, 2014). Over the past few years, R&B is now directed to a different audience, due to the fact that technology is easier to access to a younger generation. R&B 10 years ago would have been aimed at a much older audience, because of what the lyrics were about. Now teenagers …show more content…

When you listen to it is supposed to evoke the feeling of bashing the guy for cheating, however it's more than what is seen, since the woman knows she's not the only one, but she's never going to leave him which makes Smith think that it is wrong (Songfacts, 2014). However, sometimes, music in this generation may also have extremely negative effects, having being male dominated in the past to present, women are forced to be seen as objects and unimportant to society which evokes the new start of Feminism which is being seen supported throughout the world. Violence against women such as domestic abuse will continue to rise if music videos showing that men should be the “one in charge” is continuing to be promoted (Harrison,