
Race Movie Research Paper

523 Words3 Pages

Jaiden Cook
The movie “Race” is historical nonfiction. The goal the movie achieved with the setting is showing what the Nazis were doing to the Jews in 1936. It also showed the Germans having Nazi flags and banners hung up all around Germany. People might be interested in this film because it’s a true story. Another reason someone might be interested this film is it's a sports movie and they are pretty popular. There are two reasons the movie is called “Race”. The first reason is because Jesse Owens is a track star so he races against other athletes. The second reason is Jesse Owens faces racial segregation. In 1936 there are a lot of things that happened in the United States and Berlin. One of the images and/or scenes in the movie that showed what was happening at that time was when Avery Brundage, the president of the United States Olympic committee went to Berlin to inspect the German sports facilities. When he was taking a tour he saw Nazi flags hung up around Berlin. He also saw Nazi soldiers forcing Jews into trucks and taking their belongings. Another scene is at the end of the movie when Jesse …show more content…

His first meet went really well with him setting three world records in a single meet. After the meet Jesse Owens is caught cheating on his girfriend. He goes back and apologizes and gets married. After that Jesse makes the US Olympic team and is asked not to go by the NAACP. After a lot of thinking Jesse Owens decides to go to the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, Germany. There he wins 4 gold medals and sets an Olympic broad jump record. At the end of the movie Germany tells Avery Brundage no to race the only Jewish athletes so instead Jesse Owens and Ralph Metcalfe. They go on to beat the world record with a time of 40 seconds. Once Jesse Owens gets back to the US he has an event held for him but is not allowed to go through the front entrance because he is

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