Race Social Construction

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The first discussion of this course we have covered, we learned race is a social construction. According to Snip, he explained why he believes that race is a social construction; he argued that race is being used to pursue social class and political desires. Throughout the history race has changed from time to time. In the context of the United State race was used for assigned people based on their skin color then it become matter of personal identification. The book explains the concept of race, as this “Racialization is the social process by which a racial group identity is attached to a group and that is placed in a race-based social hierarchy.” Government of United State used race as part of their census, they developed a method to identify …show more content…

For example “ Color Line” is social policy. The ides of color line was to restrict people of color particular Black folks. The concept of color line implies to race is domination, racial exploitation. Color line was social practice rooted racism ideology. It prevented Black people to free and access equal opportunity for their development. This policy affects all people of color in one-way or the other. All Minorities groups were denied to live or access equal opportunity under the color line policy. For example black families were not allowed to rent or buy a house where predominate white neighborhood live. They also were not allowed to rid public transportation with Whites or use public space with whites. The black folks felt to integrate with Whites because of the social policy did not allow them to be full human. Still to day this policy plays a big role race relation in U.S. unfortunately whites believe that the color line had rarely anything to do with racism. They say why blacks don’t live where whites live is because they don’t work hard to rise their …show more content…

It provides them the best jobs, the best opportunity and the best environment to live and raise family. However, most whites believe that both whites and Blacks are equal to access opportunity and they enjoy the same standers of living after the Civil rights movement successes the integration of Blacks and whites. I believe this kind of attitudes is not true. Date shows (123) that in the united state today most of black children live in poverty and blacks don’t earn the same income as to whites. Black unemployment is twice higher than white unemployment. Most black males are incarcerated by the system. There is an obvious disparity between life for African American in United State and life for whites and also education gap is found between those groups. All these finds are associates with the discrimination and the inequality toward black