Rachel Dolezal Rhetorical Analysis

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A Paper on Rachel Dolezal
1. Outline
Text 1, Civil rights activist Rachel Dolezal misrepresented herself as black, claims parents, presents an objective view on the case: whether Rachel Dolezal is African American or not. The author, Jes-sica Elgot describes how Dolezal began to adapt her appearance as African American, and ex-plains in what manner her social circle had affected her. However, according to her parents, she has misrepresented herself as black and she has chosen not to be herself, but somebody she is not.
Text 2, Why black women feel so betrayed by Rachel Dolezal, presents a subjective view on the act of pretending to be black. The author, Kinouani states how unwarranted and unnecessary the case is. While so many black women …show more content…

The fact that she writes with a sensitive tone, she intensifies the message that she is against the attention the case of Ra-chel Dolezal is getting: “Imagine that you, as an overwhelmed bereaved parent, seek the support of a therapist or another professional to help you to come to term with your loss…” (ll. 1-10, s. 4). By creating a comparison between child loss and the case whether Dolezal is black or white, she is able to receive a wider group of readers, as the readers associate easier with child loss than a case of pretending black. The case of Dolezal address mostly to African American, while child loss address to everybody with a child. In addition, by using specific choice of words and sensitive occa-sion, she is able to talk to the feelings of the reader, and create sympathy for his message: that the case of Dolezal is unnecessary. Furthermore, Kinouani makes use of rhetorical questions followed by a direct answer: Would it make things more tolerable to know that this person was a renowned expert on grief? Would you feel grateful that his professional had spent much of their career working towards a better understanding of the experience of bereaved parents? I expect not…” (ll. 27-38, s. 5). By employing rhetorical question, followed by a clearly answer, she creates a one-way communication and convinces the reader about the fact that his opinion is the right