Rachet: A Short Story

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The Fairy that was given the ritual knife, Glyff, held the wooden hilt in his left hand, and rest the straight steel blade in his right. He tightened his hand around the blade, creating a long cut in his palm and along his fingers, which only slightly bled. Once released from his grasp and wiped clean against his cotton shirt, Glyff handed the knife down to the paws of Rachet, the Panda Roux, a race of hyper-intelligent Red Pandas that walk on two paws, who was in the seat next to him. Rachet made the same cut across his paw as Glyff did his hand, and wiped the blade clean against the cotton bag he wore as clothes. Rachet then handed the knife to the skeletal hand of Señor Sarachi, the enchanted bones, who sat to the right of Rachet. Confused at how to commit to the ritual with no blood of his own to sacrifice, Señor Sarachi held the table as he leaned back, and smashed the left side of his skull against the oak table. Having chipped out a molar from his upper jaw, Señor Sarachi got what he wanted, and used the tooth as his sacrifice. To officially sign the contract, the two men with bloodied hands marked the sheet with their handprints as their sacrifice, while Señor Sarachi stuck his tooth to the paper with some sap that had been stuck to …show more content…

Only barely able to see the top of the counter with his small height, he jumped with the sheet in one paw, and grabbed the wooden countertop with the other as he pulled himself up to hand the sheet over. Next was Señor Sarachi who hadn’t lifted his hand from when he hit the counter with his sheet, and just slid the sheet over to the person. Last was Glyff, who smiled to the figure behind the counter as he handed the sheet over. Unable to really understand what they looked like under their low hood and loose leather clothing, Glyff couldn’t tell what the person was, gender or race wise, and disregarded his concerns knowing that they were his employer, and that’s all he cared