
Racial Bias In Business Essay

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How does racial bias affect people who are in the business field? I am a high school senior and in two months I will be graduating and going to college. I plan to major in marketing and minor in entrepreneurship. I have a skincare business called Naturally Beautiful Skin Care and Cosmetics and my goal is to expand and take it worldwide. The topic I chose is how does racial bias affects people who work in my chosen field. Since my goal is to be a business owner, I will be exploring how racial bias affects people that work in the workplace. There are plenty of businesses in this world whether they are large corporations or small. I will be looking at how racial bias affects the cosmetic industry. This topic is important to me because this is …show more content…

In this paper I will discuss how and why racial bias affects the cosmetic industry and find solutions to this large-scale social issue. Before we can dive into this issue, we need to ask ourselves one very important question. What is racial bias? According to Napoli Shkolnik PLLC “racial biases are a form of implicit bias, which refers to the attitudes or stereotypes that affect an individual’s understanding, actions, and decisions in an unconscious manner” (napo). Racial bias is most definitely a social issue that needs to be destroyed. It doesn’t just affect one person; it affects many people worldwide. Racial bias can affect a person’s job, healthcare and education. There are many more things racial bias can affect. This could become a big problem in the workplace. According to Gallup “A recent Gallup survey of U.S. workers finds that workplace discrimination can affect employees' perceptions of an organization's culture, their opportunities, and their coworkers' intentions. Workplace discrimination can also affect their feelings of psychological safety and belonging and their ability to do their best work” (gallup). Someone could be …show more content…

The world would be so much better without racial bias. What can we do to stop this issue? In my opinion, this could be a hard issue to try to solve. Racism is taught to kids by their parents and when those kids grow up, they will teach their kids the same thing. Due to this chain effect, the racial bias issue can be hard to solve. This idea that one race is superior to another is taught from generation to generation. I think this issue could be solved if somehow we can get everyone to see that we are all equal and that one race isn’t better than the other. We have to fight for the elimination of racial bias so this world can be a better place for all races and ethnicities. I have done some research to find ways we can try to destroy racial bias. One thing we can do is to recognize our own bias (nnedv). If we want change, we must start with ourselves first. Next, we can challenge the colorblind theory (nnedv). The phrase “I don’t see color” isn’t a good thing to say because honestly, we all see color. There is nothing wrong with seeing color, how you act towards the person is what matters the most. Thirdly, we can call people out when they make racist jokes or comments. If one of your coworkers or friends makes a racial joke about another race, you should stop them and explain to them why it’s wrong. If we can help our friends or coworkers see their racial bias, then they can help somebody else and so forth.

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