Racial Discrimination In America

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In this essay I will be discussing “Paranoia” that stems from being a Muslim in America, and using my in class interview to answer question like “What does the typical Muslim looks like?” Then I will be questioning if Muslim people are turning into a “Race” of people, instead of just followers of God.
Is being a Muslim in America affecting their personal life because of fear that they will be discriminated? Should a Muslim be “Paranoid” for being Muslim? The answer is No, it’s a person’s divine right to express their religious beliefs and political stance. This is especially true for any American citizen because it is written in the constitutions. But the harsh reality is that a Muslim in America should be conscious of their safety living in …show more content…

I asked my interviewee “What their religion was?”, “What do they identify as?”, and If they have ever been discriminated against based on their religion and race. My first interviewee was a Caucasian male, who identifies as Christian, and hasn’t been discriminated against because he lived in a predominately Caucasian area. My next interviewee is another white male, who identifies as Catholic, and has been discriminated against by mainly atheist. My third subject was and African woman, who identify as Muslim and wears a head covering, but hasn’t been discriminated against because people never know she is Muslim, they think she is just another black face. My next subject was a Sikh woman, who is Punjabi (Sikhism), and hasn’t been discriminated against because people think she is Pakistani. My last interviewee was a Pakistani-Afghani Muslim woman, who doesn’t wear the hijab and has been discriminated against. In all my interviews I found that I was surprised with some of the people that haven’t been discriminated against. I’ve noticed anytime there is a movie, book, show, documentary that mentions Islam and its followers that the typically Muslim person looks middle-eastern or Arab. The cover of Muslim American Youth, proves my point because the teens on the cover page have the same features. The cover lacks to have any African, Asian Muslim people or any person that race defy the typically look that American perceive as Muslim. The sad truth is there is a face that represents Muslim in