Racial Disparities In ADHD Research

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The article I selected researched racial and ethnic disparities in ADHD diagnosis from kindergarten to eighth grade across the United States. This article best exemplifies the longitudinal Survey design through its exploration into what extent does racial and ethnic disparities play in the diagnosis of attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder also known as (ADHD) in children in early grades or middle school education. Diagnosis of any disability can have serious implications on student performance; this research emphasizes the importance of racial disparities in the diagnoses of learners in classrooms across the country. Morgan (2013) suggest minority students are dispproportional diagnosed and treated for ADHD. As such the effects of racial disparities on these learners can begin in kindergarden and have lasting effects on how people, learners, and educators arrive at understanding. …show more content…

Confidentiality in research refers to the ability of the researchers to protect the identities and information provided by participants involved in the study. Research conducted on racial disparities has potential implications for participants to be subjected to unintentional biases that could impact policy and decisions. Longitudinal research also poses a concern for reliability. Research by Morgan (2013) used a discrete-time hazard model to observe if kindergarten students were experiencing disparities in diagnosis and treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) through eighth