Racial Inequalities In The Workplace Essay

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Inequalities in the Workforce
In workforces around the world minority groups are facing extreme inequities and injustice by coworkers and even managers. From Pay disparities to Discrimination, these inequities are even shown to lower financial gain. Not only finances but lack of diversity in a workplace can to a toxic work environment. Employers need to prioritize eliminating inequities in the workplace. Inequities in the workplace refer to the unfair treatment of individuals or groups based on their race, gender, ethnicity, religion, or even age. It is a significant issue that undermines the growth and development of organizations and can lead to reduced job satisfaction, productivity, and employee turnover. Therefore, employers must work …show more content…

Discrimination may not always be obvious, as it can take on forms that appear fair in practice but have disparaging effects on minorities within the workplace, or even the industry. Discrimination limits employees in their access to superior positions and their career advancement. Employers have a responsibility to employees to ensure that everyone is created equally within the organization and must be intentional about reducing racial inequity.
One of the most significant drivers of race inequity in the workplace would be the lack of diversity in leadership positions. According to a report by (Mckinsey 2022), companies in the top quartile for racial diversity are 36% more likely to have above-average financial returns than those in the bottom quartile. However, only 12.7% of executive-level roles in the United States are held by people of color. This makes us think, why would companies continue to refuse diversity when it is shown to improve financial …show more content…

We must face the unfortunate reality that there is a clear wage gap between all groups no matter the position, length of time in the position, or educational level achieved by the employees. The fight for equal pay isn’t just a battle for women or African Americans and helping close the wage gap will benefit everyone, including the U.S. economy. Closing the gender wage gap can mean the difference between living above or below the poverty line, between having access to high-quality childcare, schools, and higher education, or only being able to afford poorer quality alternatives, no pre-kindergarten, or any post-secondary

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