Racial Inequality In Today's Apartheid Schools

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Today 's “Apartheid schools” are still unequal. “Apartheid schools” have higher concentrations of poverty, much lower test scores, less skilled teachers and fewer innovative placement courses. Students in fully integrated schools perform better on tests, possess elevated aspirations for educational and occupational attainment, and live more integrated life. As shown in the movie, “A force more powerful,” there are obviously many challenges in fighting racial inequalities using the nonviolent approach. The non-violent approach requires a lot of training and patience to attain the fixed goals, similarly to fixing a segregated school system. To put this plainly, desegregating schools will lead to a shift toward equality but will require many obstacles like the national boycotts. …show more content…

What can be done? Different ideas and answers has been suggested in responds to the above question. Penn State 's Frankenberg is one of several education experts who believes a broader approach is needed to bring about lasting change. She says, “If we really want to [desegregate] our schools, we need to make desegregation a more essential issue and not peripheral, and we also need to think about desegregating other parts of our society” (Karaim). For this purpose, it is essential to know that young children, their elementary school process is a primary foundation for them because they are impressionable at that stage in their lives, so it is best if the issue of segregation are made known to them at this stage, so they do not have the prejudices and they know how to avoid them in any