Racial Tensions In The 1930s Research Paper

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Poetry Fraley
Dr. Irvin
9th Lit/Comp B
8 June 2018

Racial Tensions in the 1930’s.
How racial equality was executed back in the 1930’s was extremely different from how they are now. Back then, people of color weren’t seen with the same respect and values as their white counterparts but instead as objects of no value. While the civil war helped free African American slaves, they started their new life with no jobs, education, and barely any necessities needed to survive. Several laws such as the Black Code for example denied them the rights as their white men counterparts. The Jim Crow laws enforced segregation which also took a major toll on where African American lives. It dictated the availability of who they could care for, where they could go to eat, use the restroom, etc. Laws such as the black code denied freed African Americans the same rights their white men counterparts had. …show more content…

“Over half were unemployed compared to the 30% of white people unemployed.” To make matters worse, various lynch mobs such as the Klu Klux Klan would target African Americans. The Klu Klux Klan was an organization created as an endeavor to ensure Caucasians had higher levels of privilege than their unequals. Many African Americans who even attempted to speak out against their prejudice were accused of minor would be brutally lynched as an attempt to set an example. The KKK's numbers nonetheless decreased after a “federal suit for tax delinquency.” African Americans were able to find some relief in new deal programs, however discrimination haunted them