Summary Of The Article 'Jim Crow Blues'

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In the article “Jim Crow Blues”, by Leon F. Litwack, describes the history of Jim Crows laws. Jim Crow was a white actor named Thomas Dartmouth “Daddy Rice”. He painted his face black then started performing to make himself famous. Jim Crow imitated the singing, dancing of negro character he called it the Jump Jim Crow. Jim Crow did this for laughter for the white audience. This happen during the nineteenth and early twenties of the reconstruction. Jim Crow had a lot to do with laws, lynching/terrorism, and voting. Smith described many Jim Crow laws in the south such as the blacks that were on the urban street cars and trolley had to sit in separate section or to give up their seats to white. The laws were for African American women and men. Jim Crow came up with signs that said for white only, for colored only, white ladies, and colored men. They had separate everything such as bathroom, water fountain, toilets, railroad station waiting room, and boarding houses. Blacks could not move into the white town or blocks for any reason. The school was even segregated there were separate school textbooks for white and blacks. However, the Jim Crow law affected all ages and different classes. …show more content…

About almost five thousand black men and women were hanged or even burned. Lynching started because they wanted to protect white women. A black guy would be lynches if they thought you tried to rape or look at a white woman. Although, John Dollard came up with that every African American knew that they were under sentence of death they just did not know when their time was coming or was going to happen. It did not matter how many whites was involved and the lynching and terrorism they all would share their racial views. The lynching had become public theater any and every one could