
Racism In Brazil Essay

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Racism has been one of the things that has stayed relevant throughout the years and has affected many people around the world. Racism in Brazil differs than that from racism in the United Kingdom. On this paper, I will discuss the comparison on two different societies which will be on Brazil and the United Kingdom. I will be comparing racism and anti-racism between these two societies and how it is portrayed. I would like to know how these different societies deal with this problem. Upon comparing the two societies, I will also talk about how they have adapted or changed throughout the years towards the concept of racism and anti-racism. The definition of racism is the difference between inferiority and superiority among people based on their political, culture, and wealth (Grosfguel, 2016). Grosfoguel (2016) states that racism can be established by the color of skin, ethnicity, culture, religion, and the language …show more content…

Racism has been problematic throughout the years because people have taken the definition and applied it to their form of racism from where they live to the whole world (Grosfoguel, 2016). Grosfoguel (2016) states that if people fail in a social form or marker that racism embraces in a country or region people are considered to be socialized. One example that Grosfoguel (2016) gives is color racism, people have taken this to be the definition of racism when in reality racism can have different forms it can present itself to people. This is a problem because people have taken a particular marker of racism and applied it to the definition of racism which gives people a false conclusion that racism is not present in other parts of the world, when in reality racism is very present just not always in the marker that people have made it to be like the case of color racism (Grosfoguel,

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