Racism Still Exists Today Essay

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Racism is something that still exists today. It is something that we are conscious off, yet we don’t necessarily acknowledge the little forms it takes place in our everyday lives. The youth of society still witnesses the struggles that our ancestors have endured in their time, however we don’t realize it. It’s in our media, in our schools, in our communities, in our families, and within us. Despite the fact that racism seems inevitable we as a whole can better our children so that they know better than previous generations about this issue. “Racism is still with us. But it is up to us to prepare our children for what they have to meet, and, hopefully, we shall overcome.” Rosa Park. Through the will of the people, the adults of society, the youth of today can change the view of racism tomorrow. Life is a 50-50 exchange. What we see, hear, or experience in our community is reflected in the things we do or say and vice versa. The things we see on T.V or hear on the radio plays a key role in the view of racism in our society. In order for our …show more content…

This caused several police unions are now demanding their members to #BoycottBeyonce and not to work at her upcoming concerts. This seems a bit childish and somewhat prejudiced. I mean maybe it wasn’t her place to jump into politics, but if not her then who? We aren’t educating the youth about the black culture enough as we should. That is why most are ignorant towards the black community. Being that music no matter what genre is a universal language, many can or may relate to the message that she is conveying, especially the youth. Teenagers aren’t going to want to learn about black history if we don’t make it enjoyable, thus adding some upbeat notes to the lesson is an essential part in to us understand the message. The racism issue has to be brought to our attention in a way that we can understand and