Radical Reconstruction Research Paper

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America had many different difficulties after the war including meeting basic needs for foods, services, industry, freedmen a new place in a changed society, and establishing a new state governments. When meeting the basic needs for food, services, and industries the north and south had different ideas. The Northern ideas were mostly coming from the Freedmen’s Bureau in 1865 which helped the black slaves and poor whites in the south. Basically aid for refugees. Some southerners and freedmen did not like this new law and criticized it, but it supplies food and clothing to the freed slaves and poor whites, it even tries to locate jobs for them and prevent employers from exploiting them. Whats even better is it also tried to supply the blacks with schools and hospitals for all ages. In industry northern had capital and were eager to make profitable investments including labor industries. Now the south had some other ideas for industries including mill towns hoping for a “New South”. Mill town, similar to plantations, basically built different stores and …show more content…

Carpetbaggers were basically people in the North that came south to help the Radical Reconstruction that sought financial or political gain. The name originated from them carrying their valuables in small suitcases made from pieces of carpet. They brought the North the Capital. The South had scalawags, which were basically white Southerners who supported the Radical Reconstruction. The South also had Redeemers, which were conservative Southerners. The Solid South was when the South voted solidly for the Democrats. In conclusion the North and South both had different ways and ideas on reconstructing themselves back to normal and more.It seems as though the North was more for freedmen then the South but each one contributed to giving the blacks more