Cause And Effects Of Sharecropping During The Civil War

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The freemen were kicked out of their huts on plantation if they didn’t work for the white plantation owners. The biggest problem with this was that the most plantation owners were prejudice towards the freemen. This lead the wages not being fair to all those who worked the plantation owners wanted them to almost work free still due to the fact they gave them housing. This also had a cause effect of sharecropping, which is when owners allow people to farm the land that they own for a part of their crops or harvest. This gave white land owner a chance to still have workers due all the work and yet get crops from the deal. This didn’t work due to the fact that farm or land owners demanded so much of the crops that the sharecroppers didn’t have …show more content…

The heard that they could make gains though the chaos and destruction of the south. The gains they sought for was through money and political and they didn’t understand the mindset of the south. The carpetbaggers who tired a shot at agriculture that the labor system wasn’t right. They began to get the same feeling as most southern in the fact that they faced high loss due to the labor system in the south. The Northern became more and more like Southern and in the fact, they wanted to inflict punishment on workers and taking of rights from freemen. The freemen still had the adavatage of the main fact there was a labor shortage and this gave them some power to not stand for punishment. Even through some of the Northers came to have some of the mind set as the South, people that from the south that became close to the Northers and freemen started to get the name scalawags. Scalawags were people who went with the new political view of the north and work with the freemen. The south was still bitter about the loss of the war and the use of scalawags was used to call people out in a bad way like trader. Which lead to more division the south when the thought of reconstruction was to help bring everyone