Rahm Emanuel Says No To Chi-Raq

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Rahm Emanuel Says No to Chi'Raq Director Spike Lee finished shooting his controversial film "Chi-Raq" in July. The film addresses the crime and violence taking the lives of young people in the city of Chicago, thus "Chi-Raq" an urban slang name for Chicago coined by rappers that compares the city's rampant black-on-black violence to that of Iraq. Several months ago the Huffington Post reported that “Chicago Mayor Rahm Emmanuel, U.S. Senator Dick Durban, and local [Chicago] Alderman Anthony Beale expressed concern over the title, with Beale calling it “insulting.” Lee recently discussed the meeting and confrontation with Emanuel with Chicago Magazine. Emanuel wanted to "paint me as this villain," Lee said. "To be honest, he's a bully." And how did Lee respond to being bullied? "You know I'm from Brooklyn, so. ... He's not gonna bully me. My tactic with the mayor—any bully—is to come out swinging. I said, 'Mayor, your honor, you're gonna be on the wrong side of history.' " …show more content…

1 in terms of the actual number of murders...the third-largest city in the country [Chicago] had 500 murders, more than any other city, and it has been among the top three cities with the most murders since 1985, according to data compiled by the Federal Bureau of Investigation...82 shootings over the July 4 weekend resulted in at least 16