Sandy Hook Elementary School: Rational Choice Theory And Biosocial Theory

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Introduction DONE On December 14, 2012, the Sandy Hook Elementary School experienced a horrific mass shooting, one of the worst in the United States. I am integrating Rational Choice Theory, Social Bonding Theory, and the Biosocial Theory in hopes to better understand the perpetrators motivations for committing such an elaborate crime. I will provide direct comparisons to the event and theory while also including the strengths and weaknesses of each when integrating to get a more accurate assimilation. Current Event DONE The second deadliest mass-shooting caused by a single person occurred on December 14, 2012, around 9:35 in the morning. Twenty innocent children, six adults, and the gunman’s mother all lost their lives in this fatal shooting …show more content…

The entire tragedy occurred in only eleven minutes, where he had entered four classrooms and shot all but two of his victims multiple times. The custodian, Rick Throne, ran through the untouched hallways alerting classrooms about the armed intruder. Lanza attempted to shoot almost every person he encountered and entered every room he could get access to except the first room available when walking through the main doors of Sandy Hook. That classroom happened to have a black sheet of paper covering the window from the prior lockdown drill that happened weeks earlier and it blocked any outside sources from viewing the inside which Adam Lanza seemed to overlook. That benefitted Kaitlin Roig’s classroom from obtaining an attack, thus, saving fourteen students from the exposure of the …show more content…

Theoretical Integration In an attempt to combine my three chosen theories, I will use End to End integration. This integration is typically used when theorists expect that one theory will come before or after another in terms of temporal ordering of casual factors (Tibbets). Summary Sandy Hook Elementary School endured a gruesome crisis due to Adam Lanza’s loathsome ways. With the help of the diagnosis of Lanza’s prior illnesses, police and psychologists were able to successfully examine his personal life to identify most of his motives for the mass-shooting. My purpose was to accurately integrate the Social Bonding Theory, Rational Choice Theory, and Biosocial Theory by applying the End to End integration to understand why the perpetrator carried out his plan. There was mostly success from the End to End integration with some slight failure