Reflective Essay: When The Rainbow Turned Backwards

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Hi Rabbi, after we talked this morning I wanted to follow up on how I believe the rainbow colored stairs are inappropriate and respond to the reasons I was given for them. First when I said it was inappropriate, you mentioned how the rainbow has only become inappropriate in the past ten to fifteen years, but in fact, thats not true, ever since the time of נח the rainbow was given as a sign that hashem wants to destroy the world but won 't because of the promise he made to נח , and we say a beracha every time we see a rainbow to show gratitude that he remembers the promise and that he is keeping it, and regardless, just the fact that it has become inappropriate in the past ten years should be good enough, because since we are a Jewish Orthodox Yeshivah, we do not accept people who are proudly a part of that community and condemn them especially in our community in particular. We must realize what message we are sending when we put stairs colored in this fashion, that even if we did not paint them with the intentions to