Prediction of Energy Contents and Potential Nutrient supply of Raisin By-Products for Ruminants Using National Research Consul Feeding System and In Vitro Gas Production Method
Yari M,14 M. Manafi 1, M. Hedayati 1, S. Khalaji 1, M. Mojtahedi,2 R. Valizadeh3, A. Hosseini Ghaffari3
aDepartment of Animal Science, College of Agriculture, Malayer University,Malayer 65719–95863, Iran; bDepartment of Animal Science, College of Agriculture, University of Birjand, Iran; cDepartment of Animal Science, College of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran
4Corresponding author: MojtabaYari, Department of Animal Science, Malayer University, Malayer 65719–95863, Iran.
Tell: +98 9124479406
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Predicted energy values of raisins by-products using NRC beef 1996 and NRC 2001 dairy program
P-value SEMD Raisin by-products (RBP)d Item RBP3 RBP2 RBP1
NRC dairy 2001 energy values (MJ/kg DM)e
0.05 0.593 2.68b 5.52a 4.90a NElp
NRC beef 1996 energy values (MJ/kg DM)
0.05 0.735 5.99b 9.45a 11.48a ME
0.05 0.722 2.51b 5.94a 7.70a NEm
0.05 0.677 0.29b 3.47a 5.06a NEg dRaisins by-products were 1) some outer layer of flesh and skin and pedicle of berries (RBP1); 2) rejected raisins mostly un-ripped berries with their pedicles (RBP2), and 3) stalks, rachises and pedicles of grapevines; Means with different superscript letters (a, b and c) within the same row differ (P < 0.05); SED, standard error of difference. eNet energy lactation at production level of intake (NElp) was calculated according to NRC dairy 2001 and metabolizable energy (ME), net energy for maintenance (NEm) and growth (NEg) were calculated according to NRC beef 1996.
Table 3.In vitro gas production kinetics and predicted nutrient supply of raisin by-products.
P-value SED Raisin by-products (RBP)d Item RBP3 RBP2 RBP1
Gas production characteristicse
0.28 10.4430 224.8 253.7 225.2 b (ml/g