
Raising Minimum Wage Essay

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Imagine living in a financially unstable household. You are in high school full-time and any free time you get you are working your part time job. Never getting to see your mother who you live with who works full-time on evening shift. The government decides to raise the minimum wage to $10 an hour. Months after the minimum wage raise, people start to notice a the price of restaurant food raising. After all of the changes in price the family ends up making more money but has to spend even more money so they are in a worse position than before.
The heart of our nation does not lie in the halls of congress, it lies in the bakeries, pizza shops, recycling centers, and myriad other small businesses. It is not in the backroom deals between politicians …show more content…

A group of lobbies says that every dollar that an employee receives, comes from somewhere. It just is not logical raising the minimum wage will add spending money into the economy. (“NPR”) With the minimum wage raise, Wendy’s hamburgers selling at their original price would no longer be able to cover the costs of raised labor. By making the hamburgers cost $5 instead of $3 would make this able to happen.
Raising the minimum wage will boost the economy greatly. $10 an hour minimum wages would create over 100 thousand jobs and raise wages for over 30 million americans, which is 10 percent of the country.The raise of the minimum wage would increase the gross domestic product by 25 billion dollars. (“NPR”) With more money in the economy and a lot more jobs, businesses would start having surpluses and offer better insurance policies. Better policies would help employees to be more loyal to the company.
Currently a full time worker making 7.25 an hour earns a total of 15,080 in a year. 15,080 is less than the federal poverty level in 2015 for someone with a child in the household. A one dollar increase in pay for the full time worker would potentially add 2000 dollars to the money they have to spend on themselves and their families. Raising the minimum wage a couple dollars an hour will pull those families out of poverty. Once they are out of poverty then they will have more money to spend and add to the

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